

Message from the Chief Director

 Cyber defence is an urgent issue that Japan must tackle with all its might in cooperation with other countries. However, the wheels of industry, academia, and government are not always in sync. While other countries are making concerted efforts in this field, the future of Japan is unpredictable in this situation. 

 The Cyber Defence Research Group was therefore formed in 2018 by a group of volunteers to tackle this situation. Since then, we have been gathering experts from inside and outside Japan to deepen discussions and disseminate them widely. Eventually, we would like to establish a cyber defense academy to conduct education and research while cooperating with various countries, and use it as a base to build a cyber innovation hub to nurture people, develop technologies, and create industries. Just as the Black Ships awakened Japan from its slumber in one fell swoop, I hope that by making the Black Ships a permanent fixture, we can rebuild and develop our country and lay the foundation for stability and prosperity in the world. In September 2023, the Cyber Defence Research Group was renamed to the Organization for Cyber Defense Innovation.

 A challenge is always an opportunity. In the fast-moving cyber realm, it is quite possible for those who are behind to become those who are ahead. Japan’s past successes have demonstrated the high potential of this country. I hope that the activities of this research group will help to open up a new world together with all of you.

Organization for Cyber Defence Innovation

 The Organization for Cyber Defence Innovation began as a study group after the commencement of CYDEF. It consists of people from the fields of industry, government, and academia who have knowledge and interest in cyber defence and security. Its vision is to establish a research and education institution in collaboration with domestic and international researchers and research institutions, and to build a cyber innovation hub with it as its core, while continuing CYDEF in the future.


The mission of our organization is to build a cyber innovation hub through the gathering of volunteers from industry, academia, and government to conduct cyber defense research, study, and education in order to contribute to the security industry.


  • Research on cyber defense innovation.
  • Education on cyber defense innovation.
  • Other activities that have been deemed necessary to achieve the society’s objectives.

Officers, etc.

Chief DirectorHonorary professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology / Professor of Hosei UniversityHASHIMOTO Masahiro
DirectorGuest Professor of Tsukuba University / Fellow of NTT DATA INTELLILINK CorporationMIYAKE Ko
DirectorGuest Professor of Hiroshima University/ Tokai UniversitySASAKI Takahiro
DirectorChief Researcher of Institute for Information SecurityYAMASAKI Fumiaki
DirectorChief Researcher of Institute for Information SecurityIMAIZUMI Aki
DirectorPlanning Committee for Nippon Institute for Advanced Study of IntelligenceIDE Tatsuo
AuditorGuest Professor of Gifu Women’s UniversityYANO Yoshiaki

Join us

 If you’re interested in joining the Organization for Cyber Defense Innovation, please contact us at the following e-mail address. The person in charge will contact you with the conditions for membership.

Organization NameOrganization for Cyber Defense Innovation
Location〒103-0022 Tokyo Chuoh-ku Nihonbashi 1-11-12 Nihonbashi Mizuno Bui. 7F
ContactThe Point of Contact for the CYDEF is +81-3-6681-2213
In case of late reply, your cooperation is greatly appreciated.