Collaborative Workshop between NATO and Japan

1. Theme | “Assessing National Risk and Establishing Multi Stakeholder Cooperation in Cyber Defense” |
2. Statement | The use of Cyberspace enlarged from industry technology to daily life, so we face the realization of the complex and vast cybercrime, state hacking and the hybrid threat in the international conflicts. Therefore, we must assess the National Cyber Risk, cooperate with the National Security Assets, make linkage beyond the existing framework in order to establish the new Cyber Defense Scheme. This workshop named ‘CYDEF 2019’ is the second event as cooperation between Japan and the oversea organizations including NATO Nations.We expect that this discussion workshop gathering experts from Japan and NATO and partner nations will enhance the expertise upon workshop theme. Note: Please show program of CYDEF 2018 as follows, |
3. ProgramCommittee | CYDEF Executive Committee((The Cyber Defense Study Group, Japan) Digital Society Institute, European School of Management & Technology, Germany) National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) |
4. Sponsoring and Supporting Organizations | a. Sponsors ●The NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme ●YRP R&D Promotion Committee ●Yokosuka City ●General Incoorperated Association Imai Mitsuhiro Culture Moral History Education Study Group ●The Watanabe Memorial Foundation for the Advancement of Technology ●Cybercrime Investigation Knowledge Forum ●Yokosuka Maritime Information Technology Education Foundation b. Supporters ●The NATO CCDCOE (The NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence) ●The NATO Science and Technology Organization ●United States Army Cyber Institute ●United States Naval Academy Center for Cyber Security Studies Saint-Cyr Research Center, French Military Academy ●Embassy of France in Japan ●Ca’Foscari University of Venice ●Cybersecurity Strategic Headquarters ●Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications ●Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan ●Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan ●Ministry of Defense, Japan ●Information Promotion Agency ●Japan Business Federation ●Economic Research Institute, Japan Society for the Promotion of Machine Industry ●Japan Cybersecurity Innovation Committee ●Yokosuka Chamber of Commerce & Industry ●Keio University Cyber Security Research Center ●Tokyo Denki university |
5. Days | a. Overall events: for speakers and staffs October 8 to October 11 b. Open workshop: for all October 9 to October 11 |
6. Place | a. Day 1 and Day 2: October 9 to October 10 National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) (7 Chome-22-1 Roppongi, Minato City, Tokyo) Please use the Main Entrance facing The National Art Center, Tokyo. If you will enter to South Gate, you shall go around to Main Entrance on foot. b. Day 3: October 11 YRP Center No.1 Building, Yokosuka Research Park (3-4 Hikarinooka, Yokosuka City, Kanagawa) |
7. Members | a. Speakers See Appendix A. b. Audiences Invitation only |
8. Agenda | The frame of the workshop is as follows. The speakers will use Japanese and English, so interpretations of both languages will be heard by individual interphones. Please notify, S means “Session speaker” and M means “Moderator”. Some session speakers will be TBD. a. Day1:October9,09:00-18:00 |
Time | Discussion | Affiliation, lecturer |
09:00-11:30 | Opening Remarks | Vice President and Professor Narushige Michishita, GRIPS |
09:00-11:30 | Key Note Lecture | Professor Harumichi Yuasa, Deputy President, Institute of Information Security |
09:00-11:30 | Key Note Lecture | Dr. Sandro Gaycken, Director, DSI Berlin (ESMT Berlin) |
09:00-11:30 | Key Note Lecture | Professor Jun Murai, Keio University |
09:00-11:30 | Key Note Lecture | Mr. Christian Lifländer, Head of the Cyber Defence Section, Emerging Security Challenges Division, NATO |
09:00-11:30 | Key Note Lecture | Mr. Takeshi Akahori, Deputy Director-General/ Deputy Assistant Minister, Foreign Policy Bureau, MoFA, Japan |
12:30-14:00 | Session1 | History & Trend of Cyber Warfare |
12:30-14:00 | Session1 | M: Dr. Hiroshi Ito, CTO, FireEye K. K. S: Mr. Fumiaki Yamasaki, Chief Researcher, Institute of Information Assurance for National Security Japan, Mr. Takashi Inoue, Technical Writer, Dr. Fabio Rugge, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy |
12:30-14:00 | Session2 | Hybrid Warfare |
12:30-14:00 | Session2 | S2: M: Professor Keiji Takeda, Keio University S: Mr. Toshio Nawa, Executive director and senior security analyst at Cyber Defense Institute, Inc., Mr. Dave Aitel, CTSO, Cyxtera, COL Cornelis Govaarts, Netherlands MoD |
14:30-16:00 | Session3 | Cyber Norm |
14:30-16:00 | Session3 | M: Professor Harumichi Yuasa, Deputy President, Institute of Information Security S: Mr. Ikuo Takahashi, President, Komazawa Legal Chamber, Attoney-at-Law, Mr. John Mallery, Research Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mr. Ben Hiller, Cyber Defense Policy, NATO |
14:30-16:00 | Session4 | AI & Cyber Defense |
14:30-16:00 | Session4 | M: Professor Takamichi Saito, Meiji University S: Mr. Yu Arai, Trend Micro Incorporated, MAJ (JGSDF Reserve) Chikara Nakama, Chief Security Architect, Cisco Systems G. K. |
16:30-18:00 | Session5 | National Cyber Defense |
16:30-18:00 | Session5 | M: Mr. Masaya Norifusa, Director, Cyber Risk Information Center S: Mr. Jun Goto, Executive System Engineer, National Security Solutions Division, NEC Corporation, MAJ (JGSDF Reserve) Mr. Chikara Nakama, Chief Security Architect, Cisco Systems G. K., Professor Chris Demchak, USNWC, Dr. Sandro Gaycken, Director, DSI Berlin (ESMT Berlin) |
16:30-18:00 | Session6 | Quantum Tech & Cyber Defense |
16:30-18:00 | Session6 | M: Dr. Hideaki Watanabe, Visiting Scholar, GRIPS, Former Commissioner, ATLA, MoD, Japan S: Dr. Katsuyoshi Harasawa, Senior Chief Engineer, Hitachi Information & Telecommunication Engineering Ltd., Dr. Masaki Takeda, Fellow for Innovation Strategies, ATLA, MoD, Japan, Professor Rodney Van Meter, Keio University, Associate Professor Andrea Torsello, Ca’Foscari University of Venice |
8. Agenda | b. Day2:October10,09:00-18:00 |
Time | Discussion | Affiliation, lecturer |
09:00-11:30 | Key Note Lecture | RADM Akira Ichida, Director General, C4 Systems Department(J-6), Joint Staff, MoD, Japan |
09:00-11:30 | Key Note Lecture | COL Jeffrey Erickson, Chief of Staff, Army Cyber Institute, U.S. Army |
09:00-11:30 | Key Note Lecture | Dr. Ryozo Hayashi, Chairman of Economic Research Institute in the Japan Society for the Promotion of Machine Industry |
09:00-11:30 | Key Note Lecture | COL Jaak Tarien, Director, CCD COE, NATO |
12:30-14:00 | Session7 | Regional Cyber Situations in perspective of National Interest |
12:30-14:00 | Session7 | M: Dr. Reiko Kondo, Director, Office of Director-General for Cybersecurity, MIC, Japan S: Mr. Toshinori Kajiura, Chair of Working Group on Cyber- Security Enhancement, Committee on Cyber Security, Japan Business Federation, Dr. Roberto G. Cascella, Senior Policy Manager, European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO), Dr. Barbara A. Grewe, Director for International Strategy and Policy, MITRE International |
12:30-14:00 | Session8 | Cyber Situational Awareness |
12:30-14:00 | Session8 | M: Mr. Masao Aoki, Researcher, Security Strategy Research Institute of Japan S: Mr. Hiroki Iwai, CEO, SIGHNT, Inc., Mr. Norikura Masamoto, Macnica Networks Corp., LTC Alessandro Chianello, NATO STO, CAPT James Caroland, (Prospective) Department Chair, Cyber Science Department, USNA |
14:30-16:00 | Session9 | Building the Escalation Model |
14:30-16:00 | Session9 | M: Professor Motohiro Tsuchiya, Keio University S: Visiting Professor, RADM (ret.) Takahiro Sasaki, Hiroshima University, Tokai University, Project Assistant Professor Tobias Burgers, CCRC, Keio University, Mr. John Mallery, Research Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
14:30-16:00 | Session10 | Cyber Threat Intelligence |
14:30-16:00 | Session10 | M: CAPT (ret.) Hideki Matsuoka, Oracle Corporation Japan S: Mr. Takahiro Sugiura, Representative Director, Japan Hackers Association, Mr. Lauri Korts-Pärn, CTO, Cyber Defense Institute Inc. |
16:30-18:00 | Session11 | Cyber Strategy |
16:30-18:00 | Session11 | M: Dr. Ikuo Misumi, Councillor (NISC), Deputy Director- General for Cybersecurity and IT(METI), Japan S: Ms. Mihoko Matsubara, Chief Cybersecurity Strategist, NTT Corporation, Dr. Sandro Gaycken, Director, DSI Berlin (ESMT Berlin) |
16:30-18:00 | Session12 | Influence Operation |
16:30-18:00 | Session12 | M: MG (ret.) Tatsuhiro Tanaka, Fujitsu System Integration Laboratories Ltd. S: CDR Keizo Ishihara, JMSDF, COL Jaak Tarien, Director, CCD COE, NATO, COL Jeffrey Erickson, Chief of Staff, Army Cyber Institute, U.S. Army, Ms. Sophia D’Antoine, Founder, Margin Research |
8. Agenda | c. Day3:October11,09:30-18:00 |
Time | Discussion | Affiliation, lecturer |
09:30-11:30 | Opening Remarks | Mr. Katsuaki Kamiji, Mayor of Yokosuka City |
09:30-11:30 | Opening Remarks | Mr. Vincent Chamaret, Managing Director at Bretagne Commerce International |
09:30-11:30 | Key Note Lecture | Dr. Hideaki Watanabe, Visiting Fellow, GRIPS, Former Commissioner, ATLA, MoD, Japan |
09:30-11:30 | Key Note Lecture | Dr. Roberto G. Cascella, Senior Policy Manager, European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) |
09:30-11:30 | Key Note Lecture | Dr. Ken Sakamura, Dean, Department Information Networking for Innovation and Design, Toyo University, Emeritus Professor, University of Tokyo |
12:30-14:00 | Session13 | Coordination in Cyber Educations |
12:30-14:00 | Session13 | M: Mr. Toshihiro Hirayama, JCIC S: Mr. Toshinori Kajiura, Chair of Working Group on Cyber- Security Enhancement, Committee on Cyber Security, Japan Business Federation, CAPT James Caroland, (Prospective) Department Chair, Cyber Science Department, USNA, LTC Luis Carvalho, Manager of NATO Multi National Cyber Education & Training Program |
14:30-16:00 | Session14 | Building Cyber Eco System |
14:30-16:00 | Session14 | M: Mr. Toshikazu Okuya, Director, Cybersecurity Division, Commerce and Information Policy Bureau, METI, Japan S: Professor Hiroki Takakura, National Institute of Informatics (NII), Professor Didier Danet, Saint-Cyr Research Center, French Military Academy, Professor Chris Demchak, USNWC |
16:00 | Closing Remarks | Professor Keiji Takeda, Keio University |
* The contents are different from some brochures due to the change of the program due to the proximity of typhoons.