Speakers of CYDEF 2018

Speakers of CYDEF 2018

35 Speakers (17 Oversea, 18 Japan Local) were joined in this event.

Please click name to show the speaker’s biography and speech summary.

1. Oversea speakers by the alphabetical order(Titles omitted.)

Aitel, DaveCEO, Immunity
Akdogan, OrhanNATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency
Alatalu, SiimNATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence
Antunes, DavidNATO Multinational Cyber Education and Training Program
Carvalho, LuisNATO Multinational Cyber Education and Training Program
Chianello, AlessandroNATO Science & Technology Organization
Demchak, ChrisU.S. Naval War College
Gaycken, SandroDirector, Digital Society Institute / NATO
Hathaway, MelissaHarvard Belfer Center
Klipstein, MichaelArmy Cyber Institute, U. S. Army
Kostopoulos, LydiaThe Future Society at Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Lee, Dong HoonKorea University
Liflander, ChristianHead of Cyber Defence Section, Emerging Security Challenges Division, NATO
Mason, AdonisU.S. Pacific Command
Maxwell, PaulArmy Cyber Institute, U. S. Army
Rohozinski, RafalCEO, SECDEV Group
Widmann, MichaelNATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence

2. Japanese speakers by Japanese alphabetical order(Titles omitted.)


Goto, AtsuhiroPresident, Dean, Institute of Information Security
Takakura, HirokiProfessor, National Information Informatics, Japan
Takeda, KeijiProfessor, Keio University
Tezuka, SatoruProfessor, Keio University
Hayashi, RyozoDirector and Professor, Musashino Institute for Global Affairs (Musashino Univercity).
Director of the Board and Special Advisor, The Canon Institute for Global Studies.
Co-Chairman, ASEAN-Japan Cybersecurity Policy Meeting
Murai, JunProfessor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies / Dean,
Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University
Yasuda, HiroshiPresident and Professor, Tokyo Denki University
湯淺 墾道Deputy President, Professor, Institute of Information Security


Ito, HiroshiDeputy Director-General for Cybersecurity and IT, METI, GoJ
Taniwaki, YasuhikoDirector-General for Information Security, MIC, GoJ
Nakama, ChikaraSenior Analyst, NISC, Cabinet Secretariat, GoJ
Fujii, ToshihikoAssistant Commissioner, ATLA, MoD, GoJ
Mitsunaga, TakuhoInformation-technology Promotion Agency, Japan (IPA)


Shimizu, SatoshiDirector, Cybercrime Investigation Knowledge Forum (CIBOK CIKF) Corporate Officer,
Trend Micro Inc., Public Business Enablement Office & Interpol Alliance Project
Norifusa, MasayaChief Advanced Technologist (Cyber Security),
Cybersecurity Strategy Division, NEC Corporation
Fujii, HideyukiNRI Secure technologies
Matsuoka, HidekiOracle Corporation Japan
Yahiro, ToshihidePresident, Hitachi Consulting Co., Ltd.